Tuesday, May 1, 2018

A Very Canadian Ski-cation 2017

A Very Canadian Ski-cation 2017

Sunday, January 29
It's here!  It has begun!  We (Stephen, Krista, and I) are driving non-stop cross-country to Whistler, BC Canada!  Meeting up with John and Amy along the way for a 10 day ski trip!  We take shifts driving through the night to watch the sun rise in eastern Washington.  Passing through low, thick fog then rising above it to take a few icy turns at Summit at Snoqualmie, then to Mount Vernon to meet my Aunt Liz for lunch.

So far we're right on track, making good time and enjoying the scenery.  Incredible alpine mountain views and Pacific Northwest gigantic moss covered trees.  We stop in hectic downtown Vancouver for world-class sushi then watch the sunset as we race on to the hostel at Squamish.  A real bed and real sleep in a hostel that reminds me of another New Zealand lifetime ago.
Tuesday, January 31
Woke up to a round of bird alarms and it's time to pack up and watch the sun rise as we speed on to Whistler, our home for the next four days and four nights.  And our first ski day!  I'm a ball of nerves and excitement as we wind our way up the two lane highway to Whistler.  Will my feet hurt?  Will I be able to keep up?  Will I paralyze in fear?  Only one way to find out.
We ski a perfect bluebird day on grippy chalk with groomers and steeps and views for days!  The peaks!  The contours!  The trees!  The snow!  Beyond incredible.  The mountains here seem infinite - a new gripping, jagged alpine adventure zone where ever you look.

We cruise both mountains as a group, taking in the sun and views and even trying out a few steep bowls, like Sapphire, off the Blackcomb glacier.  So scary and so steep, but so rewarding to accomplish!  I'm feeling very relieved and excited after such a positive and fun day on the mountain.

We mow down snacks back at the room, soak in the hot tub, and go out for burger dinner later with the whole group.  A perfect start to an incredible trip!  I am sooo tired.

Wednesday, February 1
Day two skiing Whistler Blackcomb.  Another gorgeous bluebird day.  It was freezing cold which kept the snow chalky and nice.  We hiked up the closed Peak lift and skied the run called Peak to Creek, freshly groomed, just the 5 of us - magical.  I was feeling so good and skiing so well that I took a solo run down Low Roll to challenge myself while everyone took a mocha break.  That was very empowering and gave me confidence for the rest of the day, even though I bonked so hard a the end of the day due to no water or food.

Some meat, cheese, and wine put us all in high spirits and we made our way to a Japanese restaurant and feasted on udon noodle soup and sake margaritas.  Miso Happy!  What a day!

Thursday, February 2
Woke up early to participate in Fresh Tracks, an incredible, affordable opportunity to get on the mountain for sunrise and eat a full buffet breakfast (with extra pocket lunch packed) and go skiing early.  What a deal!  We lapped the Peak chair and skied Whistler Bowl 4 or 5 times then popped over to Blackcomb and skied the Diamond Bowl a couple of times.

It was steep and challenging but so much fun and definitely the best snow of the trip so far.  Afterward we relaxed in the room, ate cheese and crackers, and drank wine.  Later we dined at Lupino's for some authentic Italian pasta.  Every night I get so slap happy and delusional probably because I'm dehydrated, tired, and so freaking happy!  I love it here!

Friday, February 3
John and Amy slept in so Krista, Stephen and I feasted once again at the First Tracks breakfast!  Sadly, this is our last day here.  But the good news is that it started dumping snow first thing in the morning so it turned out to be a powder day!  We skied Diamond Bowl and the challenging Pakalolo to end the day on a high note.  The snow was soft and accumulated quickly.  I skied down a little early to rest my legs.  A relaxing afternoon and evening in our little Whistler home drinking wine, water, and coffee - then dinner back at the burger place.
I'm too exhausted to stay up past 10 pm or to drink more than a glass or two of wine.  I've really grown to love this magical ski heaven and its chalky goodness and powder splendor.  Fond memories made here!

Saturday, February 4
It's dumping here!  Like 20+ cm of fresh.  But yesterday was our last day and we're leaving to drive 8+ hours to Revelstoke.  Are we crazy to leave this winter wonderland?! My legs could use a day off from skiing anyway.  A rest for my weary knees.  So despite the pow-town here, we push through to Revelstoke, talking in the incredible mountain lake and river views along the way.

It was a fun drive and started to snow as we closed in on Revy.  Our Motel 8 accommodations weren't quite as homey feeling as our condo in Whistler, but all the local pizza, poutine, and extra exhaustion put me right to bed, no problem.

Sunday, February 5
Powder day in Revelstoke!  There are only 3 lifts, but over 3,000 acres of STEEP terrain everywhere!  We skied 5 runs in 7 hours because the runs are so long.  In fact, Revelstoke has the most vertical drop in any lift access ski area in North America.  Over 5,600 from the top of the Stoke lift to the valley bottom.  Or one can hike to the Sub Peak of Mount Mackenzie (which we did) and ski 6,000 feet of vertical drop (which we did)!

We skied a couloir called Powder Assault - another run for the books.  The hike was tough and began shrouded in clouds and snow so the first run we skied was South Bowl - in a total vertigo white out.  The snow was deep, untouched, and magical, but also so bizarre to not know up from down or fast from slow.  Stephen, John, and I finished the day with a second hike to Sub Peak as the clouds parted and all of the Stoke was revealed to us from atop the peak.  The Colombia River reflected a perfect turquoise blue, peaking through a low slit between the blanket of clouds and pure white peaks.  The trees were caked and frosted in Dr. Seuss-like casings of snow, bent in every possible direction.  Incredible!  The run (Powder Assault) was steep and scary as hell, but I knew I could do it even if it wasn't pretty.

The snow was soft and forgiving and I was completely and utterly drained of all energy by the time we made it back to the base.  After a hotel nap we feasted on Vietnamese pho and slept hard and happy.  My cup runneth over!

Monday, February 6
Another powder day at the Stoke.  No views in sight this time - we are socked in!  The girls split from the guys for some needed "take it easy" runs and I quickly realize that my body is not doing what my brain is asking it to do.  Every turn is painful on my feet and tiring for my legs.  So we take a break at the lodge until noon.  Krista and I share a few much needed laughs over an Irish Coffee until we decide to just take care of our needs, since we are on the same page, and ski down to walk around this cute little town.

We buy some souvenirs and Facetime Kelsey over a glass or two of wine until the hardcore shredders are done.  I really needed that!  We are whisked away to Golden, BC over a snowy high mountain pass and narrow, winding roads.

We arrive after a long evening's journey to our one-night home at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.  More poutine and a room of our own in a little condo.  Sleep, please!

Tuesday, February 7
Kicking Horse is beyond imagination incredible.  There's powder!  It is steep!  We hike T1 and T2 for the most astounding views I think I've ever experienced.  The hike was a memorable journey all on its own.  Following the foot path and toe hold along a steep, narrow ridge with a ginormous cornice to the left and out of bound avalanche terrain to the right.  No false steps here!

With our skis strapped securely to our backpacks I felt pretty sure footed and totally absorbed in the astounding views the whole time.  Just keep it in the box.  After a full and indescribable day of skiing and a quick apres, we say goodbye to Kicking Horse and drive south to Cranbrook, BC with no real plan in mind.

We end up at the Lazy Bear Lodge for the night, all five of us packed tight into one small, dingy room.  After a satisfying fast food dinner at Tim Hortons it's lights out on another unforgettable day.

Wednesday, February 8
We wake up and break our fast at Tim Hortons, of course!  It is sadly our last day in Canada and we must head south back into Trumpland, with no Jackson Hole in sight.  Overnight, winds and heavy storms brought down 17 gigantic power line towers, cutting off all electricity to Teton Village.  Nothing is operational and won't be for at least five days - so JHMR is out!

Where can we go for our final day of skiing?  We must stock up on Canadian maple syrup and souvenirs and drive south to find out.  Five minutes over the boarder and I miss Canada deeply.  Now it feels like our epic ski-cation is really nearing its end.  We take lunch in Whitefish, MT to devise a plan and realize we are right where we should be!

A storm is rolling in and we are at a highly desirable ski resort and town.  For only $100 per person we score a place to sleep, lift tickets, and a home cooked breakfast.  Krista and I chill out with the locals at the Hell Roaring Saloon for dinner then drink wine in the hot tub.  We're on the same page for a fun, chill night as the trip winds down.

Thursday, February 9
Skiing the white-out that is Whitefish!  Tons of fresh, wet snow fell over night and continued throughout the day.  You HAD to ski in the trees just to be able to see more than a few feet ahead.  It was so fun and so challenging too.  The snow became so heavy it began sticking to the top of our skis, boots, and poles, adding pounds to our already tired, weary bodies.  I skied as well as I could and had the best time!  Amy and I ducked out one run before the others and skied right back to our hotel, the Hibernation Lodge, but not before saying goodbye to the snow ghosts.

All the heavy, wet snow that falls completely covers the evergreen trees from tip to stump in a ghost-like figure throughout the forest.  It is incredible!

We depart from John and Amy - saying our final goodbyes as the dusk draws in and we make our way towards home.  Stephen, Krista and I take turns driving through the night until we reach Idaho Falls, ID, stopping only for a quick Pita Pit in Butt F*** Nowhere, Montana.  Around 1:00 am we finally stop to get some sleep.

Friday, February 10
Whelp, the trip is drawing to a close.  It's bittersweet because I feel like I could keep traveling and really enjoying myself, but part of me is okay with returning.  We have our final ski trip meal together at an In-And-Out Burger in Salt Lake City, then plug our way back east.  A short ski stop was planned at Snowbird, but high winds had the tram stopped, so that was that.  What an unbelievable and unforgettable time it has been.  I am so grateful for every last minute, the excellent and the tough, and will cherish these memories forever and ever.

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